The Drum Roses Awards 2023 - Print Winners!

Our Krispy Kreme Valentine's Day FSDU retail display has won a Bronze award in The Drum Roses Awards 2023 in the category of Print!

We're delighted to be winners in The Drum Roses Awards 2023 in the Print category!

Working alongside our long-term customers, Krispy Kreme UK & IRE, we came up with creative in-store display concepts to increase sales as part of their Valentine's Day campaign.

The Drum Roses Awards EmailThis eye-catching cardboard free-standing display unit (FSDU) was placed into Asda stores to complement the permanent Krispy Kreme cabinet and was designed to grab shoppers' attention.

Our MauvePrint 3DE cardboard engineering team then worked on the structural 3D shape, and made sure it fit the 12-packs of doughnuts and displayed them in the best way. The displays were then produced, with all print and finishing done in house. The pricing shelf edge labels were printed directly onto the FSDU so it would look its best.

Krispy Kreme Love FSDU Newsletter GIF 2

The Drum Roses Awards are designed to celebrate the best creative work outside of London, and the awards are judged on the criteria of being fresh, impactful, polished and effective.  These awards recognise that many of the UK's most talented creatives live and work outside of London, with many of the best ideas born in the regions.

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